
Ronda Young

A NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) member since 2014. In 2018, she became an active member with NAMI Detroit. When her son was diagnosed with Schizophrenia; NAMI helped her to realize that she was not alone. So, when the signature trainings were offered, she signed up immediately. Ronda is a trained facilitator for the NAMI Family Support Group, a teacher for the Family-to-Family Educational Class, and the FaithNet Lead for NAMI Detroit. Ronda is a mother who advocates on her son’s behalf as well as individuals, and their loved ones living with mental health conditions. Ronda earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Health Services Administration from Davenport University and Associate of Biblical Studies from Midwest College of Theology. She enjoys making delicious whole foods plant- based vegan meals, quiet time, working out, and spending quality time with her amazing husband, daughter, son, grandchildren, and son-in-love.